Sunday, September 30, 2007

WEEK TWO: Vitality

"Vitality is very simply an energy that comes from living a life of enlightened knowledge and action. When we do what we know to be right and true, we are revitalized and renewed right where we live."

I think about this in terms of the glow, or radiance we project when we are living honestly, gently. You know the feeling, it is without ego or insecurity. It is the condition of whole joy. By staying present we will begin to notice that we are right-minded in our thinking and we will be guided to right-action. This must lead to an increasing sense of peacefulness and joy. That is our heritage of Vitality, which we have forgotten in our hurried lives.

We do not have to try to, or pretend to be Gandhi, Jesus, Buddha, or Mother Teresa. With an open mind and heart, our true paths will be revealed to us. Not everyone is called to give up all worldly possessions and minister to the poor, or take on great causes. All paths are valuable and essential if we are to play our part in guiding the world home to its rightful place of perfect peace.

The Buddha’s wife noticed:

You radiate a different light. Your presence is totally new and fresh; your eyes are pure and clear....(but) could you not have attained it right here at home in your palace? Did your home and family somehow prevent you from finding truth and transformation?”

And the Buddha learned:

“I could have done it right here at home...There was no need to go to the mountains, no need for me to go anywhere. I had to go inside myself, and that could have happened anywhere.”

1. Week Two Yoga Practice:

See pp.103-117 in the book. Most of us are practicing 5-6 days/week, so we do not need to review this section.

How did you feel in your practice last week?

2. Week Two Balancing Diet:

“The chief pleasure in eating does not consist in costly seasoning, or exquisite flavor, but in yourself.”

Let’s seek Vitality in our food this week.

Last week we identified our current dietary tendencies, hot or cold excess, a need to cleanse or build. How did you do? If anyone needs support related to last weeks ideas, please post here contact Joan.

The nutritional equivalent of Vitality is Fresh Food.”

This week we begin to look at our food choices. Are we seeking the quick and easy (usually processed foods), or are we carefully preparing our meals from non-processed whole foods. The further removed our food is from it’s source, the less it has retained it’s nutritional value. Baron cautions us that this may take a little more time, but this is not a is a joy!. That could become an excuse. I challenge you to look at your schedule. I’m sure that we all could find those extra 5 minutes to create meals that nurture us “wholly”. If you are interested we could share recipes and ideas.

Week Two Diet To-Do

  • Make fresh, whole foods the focus of your diet this week. Incorporate whole fruits, vegetables,lean meats, fish, and whole grains into your diet.
  • Avoid the middle aisles at the grocery store, stick to the outer aisles.
  • Begin to give thanks for your food, it’s source and it’s strengthening power for you.

3. Week Two Vitality Meditation: (10 minutes twice a day)

It often happens that we backslide a bit as we begin to see and feel our True Self, our Vitality, emerging. Just when the yoga practice, diet, and mediation start to have a noticable affect on us, physically and emotionally, bad habits, behaviors may start to tempt us. Now we are ready to run. Let’s stop and think of this, instead: We merely feel that the light is too bright, and we are scrambling to shut the door. It is actually our beliefs about our worthiness that are getting in our way. Our beliefs are rearing their ugly heads.

This week we will begin to change those tapes or beliefs that seem to start swirling around in our heads just when we start to feel good! Or they appear when we are down to “prove” to us that we got what we deserved. Let’s confront those tapes directly and see if they can stand up to our honesty!

“These tapes are programs and conditioning from our past, and holding on to them robs us of our vitality and energy.”

Meditation-to-do for this week:

· 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the evening.

· As you sit, begin to notice the top 10 themes that play in your mind. Simply observe them, without judgment. Be lighthearted.

· Label them if it is helpful: “the victim tape”, “the worrier tape”, “the people-pleaser tape”, “the blame tape”.

· Meet these tapes with an open heart.

· Gently let these labels, patterns go.

· Begin to notice how draining these tapes can be, and how much more vitality you experience when you let them fade away.

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