Sunday, October 14, 2007

***Note: This fruit cleanse may not be right for you. Consult with Joan if you have questions/concerns.

"Because of our culture of excess, we believe we have to have three big, protein-laden meals a day, otherwise we will be undernourished. But the truth is that we need far less food than we think."

As we approach the mid-point of our 40 Day Revolution, we are noticing the changes. The combination of yoga, diet, and meditation have allowed us to begin to realize who we are. WE are feeling extended moments of presence, balance. Our old habits stand out like a sore thumb. Who needs them? I hope we are smiling more. Most of us look different, feel different, both inside and out. It's amazing how before we started it was easy to make all kinds of excuses for why there was not enough time in the day for yoga and meditation. Hopefully, when we are finished, most of us will realize we must have our regular yoga and meditation. We are creating new default settings, habits. This is good.

We have made adjustments to our diets over these last few weeks. I'm sure most of us feel the benefits of adding more natural, whole foods to our diets. We are ready for this next step. Let's start Week Four with the 3-day fruit cleanse. This intensive will "allow your body to fully empty out and get clean, giving your metabolic organs a chance to rest and renew themselves."

*Consult your doctor if you have any health concerns or questions. If you are deficient, thin, or weak make small modifications to the diet, add superfoods, like spirulina, or even one small meal. You will still get the full benefit of the cleanse, while taking good care of yourself.

Avocados and tomatoes are fruit!

Week Four Diet To-Do

  1. Let's begin the diet together on Tuesday October 16. From that morning eat meals that contain only fruit. Stick to mostly fresh fruit, but juices and soups are ok as long as they are all-natural and additive free.
  2. Prepare full meals! Don't just grab an apple and call it lunch. Slice up a variety of fruit and arrange your plate, sit down and eat as you would any other meal. Fruit smoothies are great!
  3. Intentionally fill your time with non-food related activities. Take a sauna, get a massage, movies, read, walk---whatever nourishes you. Surround yourself with people who support your efforts...that's why we have each other!
  4. Meditate!!!
  5. Continue doing daily yoga. Be intuitive with your body, listen when you need to lessen the intensity.
  6. Chew fruit well. Better taste and digestion..
  7. Eat small amounts throughout the day to keep blood sugar level. If you start to experience any hypo-glycemic symptoms, such as headache or dizziness, drink diluted fruit juice. It takes a lot less than you think to keep you steady.
  8. Drink water, diluted fruit juice, or herbal tea to maintain hydration. Stay away from caffeinated beverages.
Any questions, concerns, ideas?

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