Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Fruit, Fruit, Fruit

Hi All,

What did I eat today? You guessed it Fruit!! :) 3rd, and last day. For those just starting. Not to bad. I had only two negatives, headaches Sun and Mon, and really tired Tue. Could be do to traveling also not sure, but these symptoms are in line with the Fasting article on the blog from a few days ago, BTW which was really helpful. Thanks Joan. I don't notice to many changes in my body, though I eat a lot of fruit anyway, and no junk food. When I started this kind of diet last year, I did notice right a way a change in my skin texture, tone, and hydrophobicity (water would bead up on it). Maybe to much info. but interesting, and could be helpful info. I can remember also expelling mucus, rather then feces in my BMs along the way also when I first changed (this was covered in the fasting article from the blog). This had never happened to me before, so I assume it was part of the cleansing process. I also can remember people telling me how good I looked. I lost 20lb, and I remember having a lot more CONSISTENT energy as well.Before the switch, I would have major ups and downs all day long, due to high processed sugar intake. All this I can attribute to change in diet from mainly processed food to whole foods, lots of veggie. and fruits. Surprising to me that exercise did not do it alone. I had been exercising, weight, cardio for a number of years without seeing such results. To think, all it took was a change in diet to provide such radical results. So I expect you will see changes like I did if you are radically changing your diet. BTW, the Mint, Ginger, Camomele tea has realy helped with upset stomach. Thanks :) Yoga has been strong and peacefully, even the long holds and 1/2 pigeon! Mediation a challenge. I usually get to about 10-15 min and then check my watch :)

Stay strong

SPE :)

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