Tuesday, October 9, 2007

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

I thought it would be interesting to do a kind of survey on the blog to find out about everyone's favorite yoga "stuff." What better way to get recommendations than with all these like-minded, yoga-focused people available for instant consult? For example, do you have favorite yoga or meditation dvds, books, music, websites, podcasts, etc.?

Some of my favorites include:
DVDs by Erich Schiffman (Beginning Yoga) and Shiva Rea (Yoga Shakti)
Music by Jai Uttal (Music for Yoga and Other Joys, Kirtan: The Art and Practice of Ecstatic Chant)
Wynyfyd's Meditation Room podcast--free meditation podcasts on iTunes or online
Website: collagevideo.com has video clips of all the videos they sell so you can preview before buying


Tamsy said...

...a yogi toes in every color; a super hot room that makes your fingers prune; driving who cares how far to take a favorite class; having a pile of old or new books and magazines shoved under the bed to read and read again; practicing to your ipod on "shuffle"; taking a long walk with a friend that you love to see over and over again; that first yummy bite after a long, long practice and showing up to your favorite spot, to remind yourself just how absolutely delicious all of this all of this is! These are just a few of my favorite things. Peace everyone.

Stephen E said...

When I am home, I like to put the TV on channel 933,the soundscapes station, and do morning yoga. They play really peaceful, relaxing music. Also, if you have a computer close, hook into the internet and go to "pandora.com" it is a free music site that plays selections similar to a favorite artist or album you enter. You get a huge variety, which I like. With regards to yoga, I like to listen to "Enya" check it out, really cool.